Friday, March 21, 2008

Floyd Skloot

So I had a chance to go to the Floyd Skloot reading earlier this week. I must say that it was quite interesting. He read passages out of his books and a couple of poems. The most interesting part had to be the brain infection that he suffered while he was on a plain going overseas. I had never heard of anything like this in my life. They still don't know what caused this or what it was. This injury plagued him from then up until this present moment. He explained to us the difficulties he faced and how the illness changed him completely. It seemed as if he lived two separate lives. At first, he was very strict and commanding. After the injury, he couldn't even remember how he was before! Today, he still has trouble transferring things from short term to long term. He talked about this while answering questions for us. If you missed this event, you really missed a treat! I guess we all ought to be thankful for everything being as good as they are, because it could be much worse!

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