Sunday, February 3, 2008

Living Wage

I think that living wages would be much better than minimum wage. The cost of living is dramatically increasing with no signs of going back down. Sure the government is raising minimum wage, but it still does not compare to the soaring cost of living. If things keep going like they are, I honestly believe that we could see another Depression. Everything is on the rise price wise. Just the other day, my mom and I went into the store to purchase some milk and eggs. The milk cost over three dollars a gallon, and the eggs cost a little over two dollars a carton. Even I can remember when milk was like a dollar fifty and a carton of eggs was about a dollar and maybe some change. The dollar bill is no longer worth what it use to be worth. The housing market is also being effected by this. Lumber is at an all time high, yet the value of houses are steadily decreasing. It really makes no sense! How do they expect us to survive if things continue on this path?


Rich said...

I know exactly how you feel, we maybe on our way to another depression. Real tip cause gas is just the beginning. Dying should be the easiest thing we can do but the price for funerals and the all is something that most people can not afford to do. We would rather have our loved ones around because we love them yes but it also puts a whole in the ones that are alive pockets that is something that no1 wants as far as living wage that is way better than minimum. Cause when prices go up the minimum does not but living will go up with the prices but then you gotta describe what living wage really is and a house and car in debt is not leaving!!!

. said...

You’re right, it’s completely crazy. I only had some small inkling of how bad it was before I started researching it, and now I’m just trying to get my head around how bad it is. I know that we’re not supposed to have an opinion about our issue yet, but I have to say that it really does suck. And you’re right, it’s only getting worse, and it seems like no one is doing anything to fix it.