Friday, February 29, 2008

Loonnggg Day

This has been one long day! I woke up early this morning to start doing more research on my topic. I figured I would do this early so I wouldnt have to worry about it later. After writing and posting my first three blogs of the day, I had to go to work. (I am still at work as I am writing this!) I was supposed to get off at four, but somebody quit today, so I have to stay until the next person comes in. This is really putting me behind on my schedule. I still have to go home and do housework, take a shower, get dressed, and go see The Mystery of Edwin Drood tonight. I am really looking foward to seeing this play tonight! I'm usually not the type that likes to see plays, but this is Charles Dickens last novel (in which he died in the middle of writing). So about half way through the play I hear that the audience gets to interact with the actors and choose the ending! I can't wait!

1 comment:

GAbriel said...

dont you hate does days that seem to last for ever. I have had one of the longest semester ever especially since the volleyball started. It seems to go by slow but it really isint i mean just think about it is already spring break and after that we are done with the first year in college.